Preventing boiler breakdowns

Now the weather has taken a turn for the worse, with snow and wintry showers looming on the horizon, keeping your home warm is something we all take for granted. While no gas engineer can guarantee that your boiler wont ever break down, there are some tips that can help prevent a full breakdown from happening. Here at RWM Plumbing and Gas we are boiler and heating experts. As a result we have produced this guide to preventing boiler breakdowns.

Regular heating checks

While many people tend to fully switch their heating off over the warmer months, without booting it back on at all, this isn’t the best option. This is because when the heating goes back on, there may be problems caused from the dormancy of the system. As a result, it’s a good idea to switch the heating back on every once in a while, if only for a small burst.

Frozen pipes

In addition, frozen pipes are a common issue at this time of year. And if your pipes do become frozen, significant damage can be caused. This is a sure-fire way to cause a full boiler breakdown, leaving you in the cold. You can prevent this from happening by insulating your pipes, and keeping your thermostat set too low. This will prevent the temperature from dropping to freezing point.

Your boiler pressure

Finally, if the pressure in your boiler drops too low, it wont operate as effectively as it should. This can lead to a full boiler breakdown. You should check the operating instructions for your boiler and follow the instructions to re-pressurize your system. You’re boiler should be back up and running in no time.

If you need more help or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at RWM Plumbing and Gas.