Design considerations when installing an accessible bathroom

Here at RWM Plumbing and Gas, we are leading bathroom fitters. Whether you want to install a wet room, or your existing bathroom just needs a facelift, we are the team to help. And one of the tasks we are often asked to do, is to install an accessible bathroom. This means a bathroom that can easily be accessed and used by people with limited mobility, for a variety of reasons. But what does this involve, and how does it help? Well, this is our guide to installing an accessible bathroom.

What are the important design considerations when installing an accessible bathroom?

If you are creating an accessible bathroom space there are a number of considerations you should consider when creating a space that is accessible. These considerations include:

  • The design of the shower
  • The design of the bath
  • The height of the fixtures
  • Additional safety

Choosing a shower for an accessible bathroom

If you have limited mobility, climbing into a bath is practically impossible. And for this reason a shower is a better option. But even shower trays generally involve stepping over a lip into the shower, and this just isn’t practical. So when we install an accessible bathroom, we make sure to fit a walk in shower. A low profile shower tray, or a wet room style shower is the perfect way to make sure that you can get in and out, easily and safely. Pair this with an integrated shower seat, and you can have a shower in a safe and secure environment.

Choosing a bath for an accessible bathroom

If you’re more of a bath lover, a walk in bath could be a better option. Especially if your bathroom is quite small and cannot fit a wet room style shower. A walk in bath will allow you to enter the bath, and take a seat, so you can have a relaxing soak without the struggle of getting in and out.

Fixture height in accessible bathrooms

If you or a family member is a wheelchair user, you will know how hard it can be to use sinks and toilets that are simply too high. In your own bathroom, you need to be able to reach the fixtures. That’s why we install measured fixtures, at the right height, that will help make daily life easier. But it’s not just the height. Twisting taps can be a real issue for those dexterity issues, so extended levers could be the better option.

Additional safety for accessible bathrooms

Finally, another feature of our accessible bathrooms are safety rails. Whether it’s in or near the bath, or near the toilet, wherever you need help to safely stand up, safety rails can help. And these can be contemporary styled, to suit the rest of your bathroom. For more information or advice, get in touch today, here at RWM Plumbing and Gas.