Fixture placements for stylish ensuite bathrooms

Here at RWM Plumbing and Gas, we are leading bathroom design experts. From accessible bathrooms to wet-rooms and luxury bathrooms, we are the team you can count on. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about fixture placements for an effective ensuite bathroom.

What are the important considerations for fixture placements for stylish ensuite bathrooms?

When creating an ensuite bathroom there are a number of considerations to take into account. From the style and design of the space to the storage and fixture options, there are a number of decisions that can have a big impact on the functionality and visual design of the space. But one of the most important factors for practicality is the placement and positioning of the bathroom fixtures. Some of the considerations for this include:

  • Positioning the ensuite toilet- ideally, it would be beneficial to position the toilet in the ensuite bathroom against the al that joins the ensuite to the bedroom. This would hide the toilet from view when leaving the door open. However, in many properties the plumbing and walls do not allow for this to be achievable.  Instead you could consider using the shower to create a partition across the bathroom, behind which the toilet can be positioned.
  • Choosing fitted bathroom furniture- fitted bathroom furniture for ensuite bathrooms can help to determine the placement of the integrated bathroom fixtures like the sink and toilet. This can also add usable and effective storage for the ensuite to help keep this space clear and tidy.
  • The flow of the space- finally, when considering where to position the bathroom fixtures in your new bathroom you should factor in the flow of the room, from the bedroom, and to the far side of the bathroom. There needs to be plenty of floor space between fixtures and doorways for a practical space with a smooth flow.

For more information or advice about designing an en-suite bathroom, get in touch with the experts today, here at RWM Plumbing and Gas.